Out little love story…part one.

The other night I was sitting chatting with some of my friends. And we were relaying to each other how we met our other halves.
It was nice to tell the story about how myself and J met, it’s very rare you ever get to sit and think back about how it all began. It made me smile.
And then yesterday posting about my grandparents and how they are celebrating 65 years made me think, wow, that’s pretty amazing. I do hope me and Jamie can reach a great number like that.

So…….I am going to share our story…….maybe one day Miss Martha will read this back and when she to has met the man of her dreams will be hoping for the same.

It all began way back when I was about 14, (Jamie loves this part of the story!) I used to walk to school and Jamie would drive past on his way to work. This makes him sound a lot older than me. 5 years to be exact. So not to much.
I knew his brother from school but not him. But every morning as he would drive past I would swoon over him. Never in a million years thinking that one day I would be here, married, with his baby!!

So as the years past, and a couple of boyfriends later. I was in our local pub with a few friends when in walks Mr S! Comes over and starts chatting to me! Well as you can imagine I was totally taken back and couldn’t really believe he wanted to talk to me, plus he was quite drunk so again my head I was thinking yeah right. He doesn’t know what he’s doing. After the evening had gone by and we had all taken a stroll to the nearest kebab house, he asked to take my number. I gave it to him and off he went home.

Me thinking there is no way he will ever text or phone, no way!

How wrong was I!!!

The next day was a saturday, I worked in a hairdressers, it had got to about 5.30 and as I went to my locker to get my bag out my phone went off. I checked it and wow, there it was a text from him asking me out for a drink on the Monday! This next part is quite embarrassing………I had to say no as I was going to a UB40 concert with my dad and brother! (holds head down in shame). But I said I could do the Tuesday. He agreed. So their we had it our first date in the diary!……………………………………………….

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1 Response to Out little love story…part one.

  1. pobbingalong says:

    Like this tale! So what were his first words in the pub?!? Lol xxxx

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