Martha and Mummy

It’s been a while since I posted. Not that I haven’t got lots to tell you all about Little M, because I have so much, but as you all know life just sometimes gets in the way.

I am officially a full time mummy and so far enjoying every second.
People have often asked me recently (believe it or not) ‘won’t you get bored?’ And ‘what are you going to fill your days with?’ And I must admit this shocks me that they have to ask such questions. But then i have found it is those that don’t have children that ask me. Possibly I think as they don’t realise maybe how much time alittle one takes up.

I assure them I won’t get bored and am very lucky to be surrounded by such a fab circle of mummies that me and M get to spend time with. We also go to groups and do lots of fun things at home together just the two of us. Along with keeping a house, and a husband. My time is pretty well and truly full and keeps me very busy.

I also know how lucky I am to be able to be with Martha every single day. Watch her grow and develop and don’t get to miss a moment.

I don’t feel I’m missing out on my career, yes I understand money is important and feel for all those mummies that have to work that would much rather be at home with their babies. But I have had my time, developed in my career over the past 12 years and now it is my turn to be there for Martha and help her develop and grow. Time flies by to darn quick. And I don’t want to miss a moment.







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A bit of me and a bit of daddy…..

When Martha was born everyone used to say how much she looked like her Daddy. Of course this is lovely, but there was always a little bit of me that wanted her to look like me.
All the ‘doesn’t she look like her Daddy??’ and ‘my goodness she’s the spit of Jamie!’ well i won’t lie started to annoy me a little bit. Well maybe not annoy just made me think ‘huh why can’t somebody say she looks like me….. Her mummy.

But as the two years have passed she is gradually starting to look alittle more like Mummy! Yay!! Not that her daddy isn’t gorgeous. But there is nothing like having people say ‘aaaaaah she looks just like you!) I must admit I love it!!

Some will always see what they want to especially our parents, mine have always said she looks like me and Jamies that she looks like him!! But despite whether people think shes more like me or J. She has traits of each of us. Not just in looks but personality also.

She has her Daddys feet and ears!!! I love this about her especially those little soft bendy sticky out ears.

I love how her eyes are a mixture of both of us. Bluey grey on the outside and hazel in the middle. So unique.

I love every inch of Martha and I love how she is a mixture of her mummy and daddy.
Some people still see Jamie but I must admit I actually see myself now sometimes and I like it.
The other day Jamie even said my god it’s like looking at you now looking at Martha. This made me smile.








Just look how she is changing. It blows my mind.

She is just perfect.

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If you go down to the woods today……..

Im finding it really strange that I now get every Saturday off! I’ve been so used to working Saturdays for the past 12 years being a hairdressing. That now I have given up to be a full time mummy I’m finding it really weird that I now get to enjoy a Saturday and a Sunday with my moo and hubby.
We intend to try and fill out weekends doing lots of lovely things as a family. Like going swimming, crafting, the parks, and walks in woods and around lakes.

And today was one of those day I just wanted to share with you all.

We started the day playing in the conservatory. Mainly doing puzzle after puzzle as this is something Martha has suddenly taken a liking to. As she can do them without much help. They are just the wooden ones. Some with numbers and letters other with animals on. I used to have to point to where these go but now she takes her time and figures it out herself. Making me a very proud mummy. (I actually had a lot of these today 🙂 ).


After this I packed up some lunch and we headed to one of our favourite places!! We are very lucky to have locally a RSPB where there are some gorgeous walks around woodland areas and gorgeous scenery. We especially like it here as Martha can just wander along at her own pace with us.
We had our lunch in the sun on the benches. And then once finished made our way off to explore.

Martha loves to pick up sticks as we go. She has one, I have to have one, and daddy also. And we just walk along nicely at her pace. Taking our time and breathing in the fresh air.
The weather today has been glorious which made the walk just perfect. All the leaves are still hanging on, am the Lucky heather was everywhere just so pretty. I picked a little (oooooops naughty me) I just couldn’t resist. I’m going to dry it out and pop it in my kitchen.

Martha has been very clingy to me this week. Which has actually been quite nice. It’s normally Daddy that gets all the cuddles and kisses and attention. But along the walk all she wanted was a carry by me when her legs were tiring. Now for those of you that know me I’m only quite small myself so carrying her is actually quite hard especially now shes getting bigger. But every time she puts her arms up to me I just can’t resist.

Martha is chatting away. Her vocabulary has come on so much this week. Copying literally everything we say. (The time has come to watch what we say!! Oh crumbs!!! Being a good replacement when all I want to do is swear!!!)
But we just love listening to her. Her little voice coming into its own.
When you go for a walk it’s a really nice time to talk. Me and J get to chat about so much and talk to M as we go.
That’s why it’s one of our favourite things to do. And I hope to continue to do this as our family grows.





Once we’d finished our walk. We stopped at great grandma and Granada for a cup of tea. And Martha found Uncle Dans old cars etc. She had a lot of fun playing with these.


We then popped to Homebase and Argos. The trips I remember my parents doing on the weekends. And I must say Martha was so good. Held our hands across the roads and listened and did as she was told. It’s moments like these that I look at her and think what a big girl she is getting.
Then it was home for dinner and a play with Daddy.

So all in all a successful day. Can’t wait for another tomorrow.

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Yesterday we finally got to take our Martha May to Peppa Pig World at Paultons park in the new forest. And what a day she had! I swear blind her little head was going to explode as soon as we walked through the gates. Peppa everywhere!!!

She got to go on every ride. With Mummy Daddy and her Nanna and Grandad. We all had such a lovely day. Just watching her little face light up at every ride.

She even got to meet her favourite character. Peppa and George made their way out to the crowds of tiny little kiddies. It truely was amazing.
She went on Daddy Pigs Car ride, Mrs Rabbits Helicopter, Grandpa Pigs Train ride and Boats, and daddy even won her a giant Peppa!!!!

We’ve had a pretty horrid time this past week. But yesterday really did put a smile back on our faces. We love our little girl so much and nothing makes us happier, than seeing her so so happy.





I just wanted to add this one of me and my Hubby. He has been my rock and I love him so much xxxxx


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Martha turns 2!!!!

Wow what a month. A good reason for me being so slack of late at updating my blog.

So our busy month started off with Miss Moos 2nd Birthday! 2!!!! Our baby girl is 2! Well she had an amazing few days celebrating.
On Sunday 19th August I was up early to decorate the garden with bunting and balloons. The bouncy castle was all put up and slowly at 1pm all Martha’s family and friends began to arrive.
We didn’t have as many as last year, just wanted all the people she sees the most, everyone she loves.

It was such a hot day. I had juices for the kiddies and ice pops along with my mum going around with a cold wet flannel wiping all the kids foreheads!!!! ( such a mummy thing to do) but it was boiling! This didn’t stop Martha and all running and bouncing around. They all had so much fun.

By 6.30 she was in the bath and totally shattered. Falling straight to sleep not long past 7.

I had those moments again watching her playing with such a big smile on her face. And one of my favourite moments which always brings a lump to my throat is singing happy birthday to her. everyone around the Cake. What makes us giggle is the way she sings along, it’s as though she has no idea we are singing to her, she thinks everyone is just having a good old sing song. Ha.

I always feel emotional at this as it really hits me (as it did last year to) at what an amazing year we have had. Our little girl growing before our very eyes, into this beautiful amazing little human being. And it still blows my mind that we created her. Me and J together. It really is a miracle.

So the Party was a huge success.

The following day, was Martha’s actual Birthday. So we spent some time in the morning opening all the pressies and cards. And then the three of us went to Woburn Safari Park for the day. A present sent by Martha’s Auntie Tam and Uncle Ed from Oz.
And we had the best day. A particular favourite moment of Martha’s was having the Monkeys all over our car and one pooping on the bonnet. (photo below!!!) she thought this was hilarious and proceeded to tell everyone for days after. Monkey……eeeee eeee eeeee………….poo!! Ha. Bless her.
We hadn’t even left the car park and she was fast asleep in the back.
That evening more pressies and cake with Uncle Dan, Grandad and Great Grandad.
One lucky little girl!


She sat like such a big girl opening every card and present. And reading every card lol.




The poop!


Me and my girl xxxxxx


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So I have been a little slack of late with updating my blog. So thought I should give you a little run down of everything that has been happening of late.

Well little Miss M is talking so much now!!!! I’m loving it. It’s so cute listening to have babbling away. I say babbling it’s actual talking now, trying so hard to put her little sentences together, a proper word then a babble then another word and it goes on and on. Just like she is trying so hard to tell me things.

Her newest and I think most adorable is “wuv you” I say love you Martha and she says “Wuv you Mummy” makes my heart melt!!!!

She also has started to count, although doesn’t seem to like the number 3 at all. She will not say it. So it goes 1……2……4……5. And If I say no 3 she just looks at me and says 4. Ha so cute.

We have also had a few more words horse………snail(which is another fave of mine as she is all tongue when she pronounces it)…….Hot…….feet…..jake……eyes…….hair…….car….flower…..slug….snake……shoes…oh and how can I forget…..oooooowwwwww. Like she’s in pain but she isn’t at all the little monkey.

What else have we been up to over the past few weeks? Well we took a trip to the farm with all her best friends. Which she absolutely thought was fantastic as she loves all the animals. One thing I love about Martha is she has no fear factor, will just go straight up to the animals and want to touch them.


We also watched near enough every second of the Olympics as I think most of the world did to. Martha loved watching the trampolining and gymnastics. And all the bits with the horses in. She even had her own gold medal.


We have had a couple of bbq’s in the garden with friends. Finally!!! So Miss was able to enjoy some time in the pool with her friends. One of Martha’s fave places is in the garden. Exploring looking for snails and getting filthy. And I love watching her!



Next week is her 2nd birthday!!!! 2 my little girl is going to be 2!!!!!!!! I really cannot believe how quick this time is going. But I must admit I am loving and embracing every moment. I love her so so much and every day she is like a little sponge soaking up new words and learning new activities. I have about 7 days left working in the salon and I am counting each one day and cannot wait to spend every waking moment with her.


I’m sure I will shed a tear on her birthday again, just like I did last year, it just makes me quite emotional and makes me think about what was happening this time 2 years ago and about the first time I laid eyes on the most beautiful little girl i had ever seen. But I am so excited about sharing her special birthday with all our friends and family. I just know we are going to have one excited little girl on our hands.

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Just one of those days

Today has just been one of those days.

Where has my Miss Martha gone?? My lovely little girl.

She has been out of sorts for a few days due to her back teeth causing her pain, making her very clingy tired and abit under the weather. But this morning woke up on completely the wrong side of her bed.
Hello terrible two’s!!!!!

The day started with her not wanting her breakfast, so began the bribing, reeling off a long list of would you’s…… Would you like cereal? NO! Would you like toast?NO! Would you like an apple? NO! Porridge?? Eggs?? Cheerios?? A banana? CHEESE STRING????? NO NO NO.
Right ok nothing fine let’s get you down from the table. And get you dressed since we couldn’t manage that upstairs!

This we do and after about 1/2 hour are heading out to grans, then to toddlers. Now to get to my grans we go past the church where toddlers takes place. At which point as we drive past, Martha notices we have not stopped and begins to kick off! Once down at my grans literally 1 minute up the road, I proceed to get my kicking screaming toddler from the car. Luckily my dad was already over there and came out to the noise of Miss Martha sprawled out on the driveway. This continued inside for a further 15 mins. Resulting in me in tears to.

She soon calmed down and was playing nicely with her toys and my Dad.

Through out the day a few more scenarios took place, mostly consisting of me saying no, trying the art of distraction, and failing miserably. Really feeling like she has done the complete opposite of what she knows she should do. I say one thing she does the other.

Then I think the worst thing that has ever happened….happened. I was in the kitchen washing up, Miss Martha playing in the conservatory which I can see from my kitchen window, i carried on washing up and for some reason felt the need to turn around. At which point I had noticed the front door was opened and the little monkey was out on the drive.

I cannot begin to tell you how quick I moved and how I literally thought my stomach was going to leave my mouth. She was standing up near the garage facing the other way. And I wont lie, I lost it. I shouted and got her into the house, she burst into tears. I burst into tears. I had never been so scared.

Now some of you may be thinking, I’m a bad mummy right? But I had turned my back for a few minutes to wash up in the kitchen, her in the conservatory/living room. In our own home. Like we always are! What had seriously gone through her little mind! It was like she just wanted to do everything in her power to go against me, Or maybe she just felt like going on a little adventure. Either way I was devastated.
And needless to say the front door shall be locked from the inside now at all times.

I’m sure there are mummies out there that can relate in someway with what I went through today. Well I hope there are.
And I know that I have many more of these days to come. (Minus the front drive incident.)

Its a challenge. And believe it or not I like a challenge.
I love my Miss Martha so much, with every inch of my body and soul. It’s my job to protect her, love her, guide her, care for her. Today I felt I failed slightly but I cannot beat myself up, just remember that when a day like this rears it’s ugly head to just try stay strong and embrace it, knowing i am not alone.

I won’t lie I’m exhausted, but throughout the day we still had the lovely moments. Her beautiful little voice chattering away, her little role plays she does with her fairies, and the “swor-eeeeeyyy mummy” when she apologised and kissed me to make it all better.

We must share our stories with each other. No one is perfect. We all have off days.

It was just one of those days.

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A dream come true

Yesterday I made a huge decision and that was to give up my work.

I have been a hairdresser for 12 years. It was my whole life for 10 of those, I lived for hair and making people look and feel amazing. I spent 10 years in a salon in my local town and to be totally honest was 10 amazing years that I will never forget and will cherish always. I loved my job, the path I had chosen when leaving school had been one I didn’t regret.

Then I had my little Martha May, and to be honest she changed my world.

I chose not to go back to the salon, but instead was lucky enough to open my own little salon on the side of my house in my garage, doesn’t sound to glam but it was the perfect set up. Three months after I began my husband chose to leave his job and set up on his own to. A big move for the both of us. But a success.

A year and a half down the road and truth be told I have lost all passion. My passion used to be hair it is now Martha.

So after a lot of chats with hubby and having to really prioritise a lot of things. I have chosen to become a full time mummy. Yes this means that the kitchen I was dreaming of us having is put on hold for now, and the new driveway, frontdoor and car will all be done a few years down the line, but do you know what, I thought that meant a lot to me, but really Martha means so much more.

We have all the time in the world to do all those things to the house, but I don’t have all the time in the world to enjoy my baby girl. I will never get this time back. I must treasure it.

I know I am lucky to be able to do this. One lucky mummy.

But it is a dream come true.


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10 years past….

And so a year later we moved into our flat, and from that moment on experienced many many wonderful adventures together over the years that followed. We had amazing holidays, spain, portugal, new York, Vegas and Hawaii to name a few and in 2005 travelled the world for 8 months. Magical, and so special, especially as whilst in Australia J proposed to me on a deserted beach at sunset. Absolutely beautiful.

A year later we bought our first house, got two kittens and then saved hard for our wedding.
December 20th 2008. A magical winter wedding. One of the best days of my life. We honeymooned in Canada, skiing, it really was amazing.

A year on from that on Xmas eve morning, our world changed. A little baby bean had entered our lives. And that little baby bean 9 months later was the most beautiful baby girl i had ever seen, Martha May.

These past 10 years have been just perfect. We have so many memories to treasure. I am so so excited about what the next 10 may hold for us.

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….part two…..the date.

So where was I. Oh yes that’s right J had texted me asking me out for a drink. Well I went. He picked me up in his old Peugeot 205. I remember him saying to me “oh you have to climb over the drivers seat as the passenger door is broken,” classy! Haha. Not only that but the steering wheel squeaked really loud every time it was turned. It was such a banger.
We went to a little country pub and had a couple of drinks. I remember the conversation flowed really well. It was so relaxed and I remember I laughed a lot. He was so funny. And such a gentlemen.

After, he dropped me home and said he was free the next weekend. And well the rest is history…….. The next year or so was full of lots of parties, drinking, going out and having lots of fun. Late nights and long ly ins. I remember about a year later after meeting Jamie thinking, I really have found my soul mate. I had fallen head over heels in love.

Most of us have been lucky enough to find love at some point in our lives and that first love, which many of us have had, I know I did and I know Jamie did before me. Is probably the one where you really think this is it, and then when it is over, and your heart feels like it has broken in two, you just can’t imagine finding or feeling that way towards any other human being. BUT you can. I found Jamie and he found me.

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