Martha and Mummy

It’s been a while since I posted. Not that I haven’t got lots to tell you all about Little M, because I have so much, but as you all know life just sometimes gets in the way.

I am officially a full time mummy and so far enjoying every second.
People have often asked me recently (believe it or not) ‘won’t you get bored?’ And ‘what are you going to fill your days with?’ And I must admit this shocks me that they have to ask such questions. But then i have found it is those that don’t have children that ask me. Possibly I think as they don’t realise maybe how much time alittle one takes up.

I assure them I won’t get bored and am very lucky to be surrounded by such a fab circle of mummies that me and M get to spend time with. We also go to groups and do lots of fun things at home together just the two of us. Along with keeping a house, and a husband. My time is pretty well and truly full and keeps me very busy.

I also know how lucky I am to be able to be with Martha every single day. Watch her grow and develop and don’t get to miss a moment.

I don’t feel I’m missing out on my career, yes I understand money is important and feel for all those mummies that have to work that would much rather be at home with their babies. But I have had my time, developed in my career over the past 12 years and now it is my turn to be there for Martha and help her develop and grow. Time flies by to darn quick. And I don’t want to miss a moment.







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